
6 posts


Most in the maritime community believe that the basic work of a technical naval office is to produce plans and calculations (booklets). But should it be in reality? And finally, what is the role of a technical naval office today in its cooperation with a shipping company? Certainly, drawing up plans and calculations can be […]

Ολοκλήρωση επισκευής Φ/Γ-Ο/Γ “ΝΕΑΡΧΟΣ”_1

5th of February 2019 – Ro-Ro “NEARCHOS”

“NEARCHOS” is finally travelling again and it happened very quickly. And the “finally” goes that end well-all good. However, until we reached this end it took considerable effort, always bearing in mind that we must avoid reaching a moment where it would undo this effort. This effort could be frustrated if there was some hidden […]

Επισκευή Φ/Γ-Ο/Γ “ΝΕΑΡΧΟΣ”_8

4th of January 2019 – Ro-Ro “NEARCHOS”

The repair of “NEARCHOS”, at least as far as the outer side of the reefs is concerned, is nearing its end and within the next few days it is expected to be back in its element, at sea. There, work will continue by the crews on the interior of the now, in order to complete […]

Πρόοδος εργασιών στο Ε/Γ-Ο/Γ “ΑΝΤΙΦΩΝΗΤΗΣ”_1

21st of December 2018 – RoPax “ANTIFONITIS”

RoPax “ANTIFONITIS” continues to be built at the “MACEDONIA” shipyards in Thessaloniki, always with the study, design, supervision and management of the construction by our technical office, in spite of specific cycles, which will be referred to when appropriate. In the meantime, some changes have been made to the ship’s form, always for the better, […]

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