APK Co. Ltd aims always to improve continuously the quality of the services it offers to its customers, but also to develop the design of new technology ships.

Within our company’s goals, in the first days of August 2022, we made an important professional move. In particular, we signed an agreement with the French company NDAR to upgrade, expand and support GHS american naval software.

By signing this contract, our company acquires a tool, which is constantly evolving and improving in the area of naval architecture, providing to our technical office a significant improvement in its potential in the area of ​​exploring the capabilities of a ship, in terms of carrying capacity, either cargo or passengers.

Among other things, the specific software includes all the criteria, which are provided by the current regulations and international conventions, while there is continuous upgrade about any changes on them.

Especially in the case of new constructions or major ship conversions, the use of the specific software upgrades the quality of the services offered to our clients, while at the same time providing us with the opportunity to be active in research fields to fully exploit the capabilities of a ship. This becomes even more necessary as the criteria, imposed by international conventions, become more stringent.

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